Heello sahabat Talsep dan kini tidak perlu pusing mencari kode warna, hexa code, postingan color code
generator ini saya rasa sudah cukup untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan Sobat
Blogger, mungkin untuk editing code warna tanpa perlu membuka program
yang menyediakan code warna seperti photoshop, adobe ilustrator, paint,
word, atau aplikasi sejenisnya yang menyediakan color code di dalamnya.
Berbicara mengenai warna, warna dapat di kelompokkan menjadi beberapa kelompok di antaranya :
- Warna netral, adalah warna-warna yang tidak lagi memiliki kemurnian warna atau dengan kata lain bukan merupakan warna primer maupun sekunder. Warna ini merupakan campuran ketiga komponen warna sekaligus, tetapi tidak dalam komposisi tepat sama.
- Warna kontras atau komplementer, adalah warna yang berkesan berlawanan satu dengan lainnya. Warna kontras bisa didapatkan dari warna yang berseberangan (memotong titik tengah segitiga) terdiri atas warna primer dan warna sekunder. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan pula membentuk kontras warna dengan menolah nilai ataupun kemurnian warna. Contoh warna kontras adalah merah dengan hijau, kuning dengan ungu dan biru dengan jingga.
- Warna panas, adalah kelompok warna dalam rentang setengah lingkaran di dalam lingkaran warna mulai dari merah hingga kuning. Warna ini menjadi simbol, riang, semangat, marah dsb. Warna panas mengesankan jarak yang dekat.
- Warna dingin, adalah kelompok warna dalam rentang setengah lingkaran di dalam lingkaran warna mulai dari hijau hingga ungu. Warna ini menjadi simbol kelembutan, sejuk, nyaman dsb. Warna dingin mengesankan jarak yang jauh.
CSS3 Color Names
The following table displays all the colors in
the CSS3 Color Specifications, currently there is 147 colors,
Represented by 16 basic colors, with 131 other shades. The names of
these colors can
be used instead of using color codes in various HTML tags
and CSS.
Note: The list of basic color keywords is: aqua,
black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple,
red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. The color names are
- Fuchsia has the same color code as Magenta
- Aqua has the same color code as Cyan
- Lightgrey is spelled with an 'e', all other grays are spelled with an 'a'
- Darkgray is actually lighter than Gray
- Lightpink is actually darker than Pink
Check out GenerateIt.net Color Scheme Generator to find complimentary color schemes.
Color Preview | Color Name | Hex Value | RGB Value |
AliceBlue | #F0F8FF | 240,248,255 | |
AntiqueWhite | #FAEBD7 | 250,235,215 | |
Aqua | #00FFFF | 0,255,255 | |
Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | 127,255,212 | |
Azure | #F0FFFF | 240,255,255 | |
Beige | #F5F5DC | 245,245,220 | |
Bisque | #FFE4C4 | 255,228,196 | |
Black | #000000 | 0,0,0 | |
BlanchedAlmond | #FFEBCD | 255,235,205 | |
Blue | #0000FF | 0,0,255 | |
BlueViolet | #8A2BE2 | 138,43,226 | |
Brown | #A52A2A | 165,42,42 | |
BurlyWood | #DEB887 | 222,184,135 | |
CadetBlue | #5F9EA0 | 95,158,160 | |
Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | 127,255,0 | |
Chocolate | #D2691E | 210,105,30 | |
Coral | #FF7F50 | 255,127,80 | |
CornflowerBlue | #6495ED | 100,149,237 | |
Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | 255,248,220 | |
Crimson | #DC143C | 220,20,60 | |
Cyan | #00FFFF | 0,255,255 | |
DarkBlue | #00008B | 0,0,139 | |
DarkCyan | #008B8B | 0,139,139 | |
DarkGoldenrod | #B8860B | 184,134,11 | |
DarkGray | #A9A9A9 | 169,169,169 | |
DarkGreen | #006400 | 0,100,0 | |
DarkKhaki | #BDB76B | 189,183,107 | |
DarkMagenta | #8B008B | 139,0,139 | |
DarkOliveGreen | #556B2F | 85,107,47 | |
DarkOrange | #FF8C00 | 255,140,0 | |
DarkOrchid | #9932CC | 153,50,204 | |
DarkRed | #8B0000 | 139,0,0 | |
DarkSalmon | #E9967A | 233,150,122 | |
DarkSeaGreen | #8FBC8F | 143,188,143 | |
DarkSlateBlue | #483D8B | 72,61,139 | |
DarkSlateGray | #2F4F4F | 47,79,79 | |
DarkTurquoise | #00CED1 | 0,206,209 | |
DarkViolet | #9400D3 | 148,0,211 | |
DeepPink | #FF1493 | 255,20,147 | |
DeepSkyBlue | #00BFFF | 0,191,255 | |
DimGray | #696969 | 105,105,105 | |
DodgerBlue | #1E90FF | 30,144,255 | |
FireBrick | #B22222 | 178,34,34 | |
FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 | 255,250,240 | |
ForestGreen | #228B22 | 34,139,34 | |
Fuchsia | #FF00FF | 255,0,255 | |
Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | 220,220,220 | |
GhostWhite | #F8F8FF | 248,248,255 | |
Gold | #FFD700 | 255,215,0 | |
Goldenrod | #DAA520 | 218,165,32 | |
Gray | #808080 | 128,128,128 | |
Green | #008000 | 0,128,0 | |
GreenYellow | #ADFF2F | 173,255,47 | |
Honeydew | #F0FFF0 | 240,255,240 | |
HotPink | #FF69B4 | 255,105,180 | |
IndianRed | #CD5C5C | 205,92,92 | |
Indigo | #4B0082 | 75,0,130 | |
Ivory | #FFFFF0 | 255,255,240 | |
Khaki | #F0E68C | 240,230,140 | |
Lavender | #E6E6FA | 230,230,250 | |
LavenderBlush | #FFF0F5 | 255,240,245 | |
LawnGreen | #7CFC00 | 124,252,0 | |
LemonChiffon | #FFFACD | 255,250,205 | |
LightBlue | #ADD8E6 | 173,216,230 | |
LightCoral | #F08080 | 240,128,128 | |
LightCyan | #E0FFFF | 224,255,255 | |
LightGoldenrodYellow | #FAFAD2 | 250,250,210 | |
LightGreen | #90EE90 | 144,238,144 | |
LightGrey | #D3D3D3 | 211,211,211 | |
LightPink | #FFB6C1 | 255,182,193 | |
LightSalmon | #FFA07A | 255,160,122 | |
LightSeaGreen | #20B2AA | 32,178,170 | |
LightSkyBlue | #87CEFA | 135,206,250 | |
LightSlateGray | #778899 | 119,136,153 | |
LightSteelBlue | #B0C4DE | 176,196,222 | |
LightYellow | #FFFFE0 | 255,255,224 | |
Lime | #00FF00 | 0,255,0 | |
LimeGreen | #32CD32 | 50,205,50 | |
Linen | #FAF0E6 | 250,240,230 | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | 255,0,255 | |
Maroon | #800000 | 128,0,0 | |
MediumAquamarine | #66CDAA | 102,205,170 | |
MediumBlue | #0000CD | 0,0,205 | |
MediumOrchid | #BA55D3 | 186,85,211 | |
MediumPurple | #9370DB | 147,112,219 | |
MediumSeaGreen | #3CB371 | 60,179,113 | |
MediumSlateBlue | #7B68EE | 123,104,238 | |
MediumSpringGreen | #00FA9A | 0,250,154 | |
MediumTurquoise | #48D1CC | 72,209,204 | |
MediumVioletRed | #C71585 | 199,21,133 | |
MidnightBlue | #191970 | 25,25,112 | |
MintCream | #F5FFFA | 245,255,250 | |
MistyRose | #FFE4E1 | 255,228,225 | |
Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | 255,228,181 | |
NavajoWhite | #FFDEAD | 255,222,173 | |
Navy | #000080 | 0,0,128 | |
OldLace | #FDF5E6 | 253,245,230 | |
Olive | #808000 | 128,128,0 | |
OliveDrab | #6B8E23 | 107,142,35 | |
Orange | #FFA500 | 255,165,0 | |
OrangeRed | #FF4500 | 255,69,0 | |
Orchid | #DA70D6 | 218,112,214 | |
PaleGoldenrod | #EEE8AA | 238,232,170 | |
PaleGreen | #98FB98 | 152,251,152 | |
PaleTurquoise | #AFEEEE | 175,238,238 | |
PaleVioletRed | #DB7093 | 219,112,147 | |
PapayaWhip | #FFEFD5 | 255,239,213 | |
PeachPuff | #FFDAB9 | 255,218,185 | |
Peru | #CD853F | 205,133,63 | |
Pink | #FFC0CB | 255,192,203 | |
Plum | #DDA0DD | 221,160,221 | |
PowderBlue | #B0E0E6 | 176,224,230 | |
Purple | #800080 | 128,0,128 | |
Red | #FF0000 | 255,0,0 | |
RosyBrown | #BC8F8F | 188,143,143 | |
RoyalBlue | #4169E1 | 65,105,225 | |
SaddleBrown | #8B4513 | 139,69,19 | |
Salmon | #FA8072 | 250,128,114 | |
SandyBrown | #F4A460 | 244,164,96 | |
SeaGreen | #2E8B57 | 46,139,87 | |
Seashell | #FFF5EE | 255,245,238 | |
Sienna | #A0522D | 160,82,45 | |
Silver | #C0C0C0 | 192,192,192 | |
SkyBlue | #87CEEB | 135,206,235 | |
SlateBlue | #6A5ACD | 106,90,205 | |
SlateGray | #708090 | 112,128,144 | |
Snow | #FFFAFA | 255,250,250 | |
SpringGreen | #00FF7F | 0,255,127 | |
SteelBlue | #4682B4 | 70,130,180 | |
Tan | #D2B48C | 210,180,140 | |
Teal | #008080 | 0,128,128 | |
Thistle | #D8BFD8 | 216,191,216 | |
Tomato | #FF6347 | 255,99,71 | |
Turquoise | #40E0D0 | 64,224,208 | |
Violet | #EE82EE | 238,130,238 | |
Wheat | #F5DEB3 | 245,222,179 | |
White | #FFFFFF | 255,255,255 | |
WhiteSmoke | #F5F5F5 | 245,245,245 | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | 255,255,0 | |
YellowGreen | #9ACD32 | 154,205,50 |